#GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Monday Morning

Právě sledujete: #GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Monday Morning

Z pořadu: Generální konference 2022

Join the live stream of the 61st General Conference Session held in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

This morning, Mark Finley, Barry Black & Dwight Nelson will be sharing a sermon entitled "Seeking the Holy Spirit Together in Prayer, Music and the Word." Mark Finley is the former host and director of It Is Written. Barry Black is the 62nd Chaplain of the United States Senate. Dwight K. Nelson is the Senior Pastor of Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University where he has pastored since 1983. All three have extensive careers in ministry and evangelism in their particular fields and we're pleased to have them opening our General Conference Session tonight.

Following worship, we will move into our morning business session and hear from our General Conference President. You can access the session agenda here: https://www.gcsession.org/session-agenda/

Follow our church social media accounts to get more informational and inspirational posts throughout this week:

ANN Website: https://adventist.news/
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAdventistChurch
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