#GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Wednesday Night

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Z pořadu: Generální konference 2022

Join the live stream of the 61st General Conference Session being held in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

This evening, the business sessions reconvene before Suzanne Phillips presents a message entitled "My God Did This!" Suzanne Phillips is a professor at Loma Linda University and Chair of the Earth and Biological Science Department in the School of Medicine there. Her message this evening will be the last item for the day.

Follow our church social media accounts to get more informational and inspirational posts throughout this week:

ANN Website: https://adventist.news/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adventistchurch/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/adventistchurch/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAdventistChurch
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#GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Wednesday Afternoon

#GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Wednesday Afternoon

#GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Wednesday Morning

#GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Wednesday Morning

Zprávy z GK 2022 #2 (úterý 7. 6. 2022 | The 61st General Conference Session)

Zprávy z GK 2022 #2 (úterý 7. 6. 2022 | The 61st General Conference Session)

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Zprávy z GK 2022 #1 (pondělí 6. 6. 2022 | The 61st General Conference Session)

Z pořadu: Generální konference 2022

Jak probíhala první jednání a proč se adventisté pravidelně scházejí na konferenci v USA? To vše Vám v krátké reportáži objasní Tamar Hajdušková a Mikuláš Pavlík ze setkání Generální konference CASD v americkém St. Louis.

Všechna videa týkající se 61. setkání Generální konference v St. Louis najdete na stránce
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#GCSession 2022-St. Louis | Monday Night

Z pořadu: Generální konference 2022

Join the live stream of the 61st General Conference Session being held in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

This evening, the business session reconvenes to continue with agenda items while the nominating committee meets to discuss nominations. After, Timothy Standish will present a message entitled "I Believe!" in which he calls Bible-believers to unity in the family of God. Timothy Standish holds a PhD in Environmental Biology and Public Policy. He is staffed at the Geoscience Research Institute. His message this evening is the closing meeting for the first night of the General Conference Session.

Follow our church social media accounts to get more informational and inspirational posts throughout this week:

ANN Website: https://adventist.news/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adventistchurch/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/adventistchurch/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAdventistChurch
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